Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Mom's Latest Procedure

For those of you who have been following this, I'm happy to report that they finally put in the fourth stent earlier this afternoon and all seemed to go pretty well, thankfully.

According to the doctor she'll have to be watched carefully for the next month or so because if there are any complications that's when they would be most likely to occur.

I just want to take a moment to thank everyone for their cards, e-mails, telephone calls and expressions of support.  Believe me, it's greatly appreciated!

Rutgers Student Suicide Tragedy


I don't know if this qualifies as a "Hate Crime" or not.  I'll leave that to the lawyers.  But I do know, this was very Hateful!

Just Thinking

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Latest on My Mother's Condition

The cardiologist has finally scheduled my mother's additional stent procedure.  It was originally scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday, September 28, but they just changed it to this coming Thursday, September 30th.

Since I'm back in Miami now and my sister has to work, my brother Pat and his wife Noreen will be coming down on Wednesday evening and staying overnight to get a bright and early start Thursday morning.  Believe it or not she has to be at the hospital by 7:15 AM.

I'll sure be glad when this is all over with.

Just Thinking